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L240302 和風包裝「香脆刀豆花生」回禮小禮物 ; Crispy snacks in traditional Japanese packing (HK$30/box)

L240302 和風包裝「香脆刀豆花生」回禮小禮物 ; Crispy snacks in traditional Japanese packing (HK$30/box)

Regular price $3,862.00 TWD
Regular price Sale price $3,862.00 TWD
Sale Sold out

Model No. | 商品編號 : L240302

以日本傳統折扇圖案配襯鮮色的和風包裝,內有 10g 香脆刀豆花生小食,是傳統佐酒小食的味道。

▪️Pre-order ( 預訂 )

▪️花生及脆口小食 + 紙盒包裝


▪️包透明袋及新人名字 + 婚禮日期 GIFT TAG 一張


▪️賞味期限: 製造日期起約一個月

It's the perfect pairing for any drink lover with its traditional flavor and colorful packaging, featuring a 10g serving of crunchy peanuts. Made for snacking while sipping. Pre-order now. Each box contains peanuts and a selection of crispy snacks in a paper box. The ribbon color may vary depending on supplier availability. Also includes a transparent bag, a personalized gift tag with the couple's names and wedding date. Only costs an average HK$30 per box. Shelf life is approximately one month from the date of manufacture.

🔸Remarks :
1) Minimum order ( 最少訂購量 ) : 30 件或以上,其後每10件為單位
2) 運費以最後數量及重量另計
3) 因日本供應商在出貨及物流方面需時,請預早2 個月或以上時間下單

Product No. | 商品編號 :L240302

Item Details | 產品詳情

▪️ Materials | 材質

  • 刀豆, 花生

▪️ Country Of Origin | 産地

  • Japan ( 日本 )

▪️ Measurements | 尺寸

  • 6 × 4.2 × 4.2 cm

Shipping | 配送

▪️每月1號及15日為 現貨 截單日,一般由確認收妥款項起計,發貨後會通知買家。 

▪️所有標示為(預訂)貨品之訂單,下單後會於下個截單日(每月1號及15號) 約二至三星期左右發貨,到貨日期以日本及當地郵政提供之派遞時間為準。

▪️急件可另加 EMS 附加費。

▪️The 1st and 15th of every month are the cut-off dates for ordering items in stock. Shipping will commence upon confirmation of receipt of payment, and buyers will be notified thereafter.

▪️All "Pre-order" items will be shipped approximately two to three weeks after placing the order on the next cut-off date (1st and 15th of each month). The delivery date will depend on the delivery time provided by Japan Post and local postal services.

▪️Express orders can include an additional EMS surcharge.

Remarks | 備註

Import Duty and Taxes | 進口稅及增值稅


All product prices do not cover duties and import taxes. It depends on different countries ‘customs regulations, if customers’ country applies charges to the package, customers are required to pay them.

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