About Us

人與人之間就像兩個對點,只有聯繫起來才會成為一條線。 不論朋友或親人,在喜慶節日送上一份窩心的禮物甚至手作小禮品,都可充分聊表您將他/她銘記於心的心意。



不要吝嗇您可以為對方表達心思/心意的機會,立刻嘗試「換個角度」,代入對方收到您特意精選/手作的禮物時的感受,讓這份心意把人與人之間聯繫起來-就是我們 "BiANGLE GIFT" 貼心為您度身精選/訂造禮品的原點。

People are like two distant end points, and only when connected they form a line, a path which links each other.

Stationed in Japan and are dedicated to handpicking for you all kinds of Made-in-Japan and Japanese-style products, and exclusive customized services.  We offer different selections of birthday, festivals, wedding, anniversaries and even corporate gifts according to individual requirements, as well as an exclusive calligraphy greeting card or gift card service upon request. 


The opportunity to express love is “present” in every moment.  Never miss an opportunity to tell someone you think about him/her and how much you care.  Now give it a try to view from “another angle" , feel the feelings of the one when they receive your specially selected/tailor-made gift via BiANGLE GIFT, where hearts are connected with heartfelt, unique gift ideas.